Human Services

United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities with SARS-COV2 overlay

People With Disabilities, Services and COVID-19

The disability service sector is providing supports to millions of people with intellectual disabilities. Most of the people being supported are especially vulnerable in times of crisis – a fact which is clearly outlined in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), Article 11 – Situations of Risk and Humanitarian Emergencies. Article

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Agents of Inclusion or Facade Facilitation – Igniting Conversations

The field of Disability Services is built on the foundational concepts of Community Inclusion and Personal Capacity; these are our most reliable weapons against segregation and marginalization.  As professional advocates, we typically profess to be working towards things like integration, poverty reduction, equality (economic and social), and inclusion. Too often however the logistics of our

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How Healthy is Your Workplace Culture (Community Disability Services)

I’ve worked in Community Disability Services (CDS) since 1986 and have experienced work cultures that ranged from inspirational to traumatic. I’ve also seen firsthand the correlation between work culture and staff retention, engagement and innovation. It’s a pretty simple equation; some work cultures bring out our best – and some work cultures leave us disheartened

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A Brand is Not…

A brand is not a Mission Statement, a Logo, a Tag-Line or a brochure. A brand is the character and personality and reputation your organization brings to a ‘customer relationship.’  It’s about maintaining your organization’s relevance to its ‘customers.’ Your brand is real whether you like it or not – it could be a hanging-on-by-a-thread

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A laptop and various reporting documents sitting on a desk

Outcomes Based Services and Reporting for Non-Profits

The movement towards outcomes-based services in the disability services sector is a clear trend. To a large degree, however, it’s only the trend that’s clear. Our collective understanding of outcomes is often limited within the sector and even once we’ve mastered the difference between goals, outputs, outcomes, etc. we still struggle with identifying the right outcomes to track –

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